Have you been to a co educational school?co education schools are better because if you were to be friends with a girl you would have experience from co education schools and you won’t be isolated from girls
Education in public schools are better because you can learn more of the real things that happen in life and you can go on trips each year like camp and stuff that's one idea of why co education is better because of your son won't be scared on his first day
Education schools are better because you can get more confident
And you don't need to be shy in front of people
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If your son goes to a co-ed school they will learn how to talk to girls if a boy goes to a boy school they will never talk to girls in they whole life because he's being going to the same school for his whole life so he could never talk to girl forever school help people to talk to each other.
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Sometimes if your very mature then it might be a good idea to go to a boys/girls only school
If your not going there and your immature then it isn't a good idea because if you never went to a co ed primary school then you won’t have experience to go to a co ed high school for example you start in primary were you might of started it is a girls and boys school you will most likely spend time with one of the girls at your primary school and you will learn how to be comfortable around girls but then you .
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