Monday, 11 November 2019
Thursday, 7 November 2019
the icarus show
the icarus show
the son of Daedalus who to escape imprisonment flies by means of artificial wings but falls into the sea and drowns when the wax of his wings melts as he flies too near the sun
Wednesday, 30 October 2019
Milk and Dishwashing Liquid experiment
Today we did a science experiment with dishwashing liquid and milk. Check out what we did
I think that the dishwashing detergent is going to seperate from the milk. The dishwashing liquid will eliminate or break down the fat in the milk.
Full fat milk
Dishwashing liquid
Food Colouring
Cotton Buds
Paper Plates
1. Pour milk into the paper plate
2. Put a drop of food colouring at different parts of the plate
3. Dip the cotton bud in dishwashing liquid
4. Dip the cotton bud in the milk
When the cotton bud covered in dishwashing liquid went into the milk, we saw the colours all move away from the cotton bud. This happened because the dishwashing liquid broke down the fat in the milk. We could see it because of the food colouring.
Friday, 25 October 2019
Wednesday, 25 September 2019
going to a co education school?
Have you been to a co educational school?co education schools are better because if you were to be friends with a girl you would have experience from co education schools and you won’t be isolated from girls
Education in public schools are better because you can learn more of the real things that happen in life and you can go on trips each year like camp and stuff that's one idea of why co education is better because of your son won't be scared on his first day
Education schools are better because you can get more confident
And you don't need to be shy in front of people
Paragraph 2
If your son goes to a co-ed school they will learn how to talk to girls if a boy goes to a boy school they will never talk to girls in they whole life because he's being going to the same school for his whole life so he could never talk to girl forever school help people to talk to each other.
Paragraph 3
Sometimes if your very mature then it might be a good idea to go to a boys/girls only school
If your not going there and your immature then it isn't a good idea because if you never went to a co ed primary school then you won’t have experience to go to a co ed high school for example you start in primary were you might of started it is a girls and boys school you will most likely spend time with one of the girls at your primary school and you will learn how to be comfortable around girls but then you .
Friday, 20 September 2019
Thursday, 19 September 2019
do we need school holidays?
Do we really need school holidays?
Do you think holidays should increase or decrease? Children need school holidays because they need to relax, spend time with family and get ready for school to start again.
Children need school holidays so they can relax.
While they’re waiting for school to start again they can go to rock climbing or gravity or go to the pools and stuff or just stay at home and relax with family, or play with friends on the game like fortnite they can team up and you’ll not be isolated from friends. we need school holidays so kids can relax.
Children need school holidays so they can get ready for school again.
going to school then they might get to stressed out and become mental, i think that if we keep going to school longer than ,ten weeks then kids will they will really struggle in school and they might become dumb because they will not to do there work anymore, and they will be tired from waking up every morning at 7:30 and everyday will start to be the same thing over and over.
Children need school holidays so they can spend time with family. You could relax and have fun with your siblings, parents and grandparents in the holidays. They could take us on trips or away on holiday because we have more time to spend together.
In conclusion, we should have school holidays because children need to spend time with family, get ready for school and they can relax.
Wednesday, 18 September 2019
How to be a good son
To be a good son you need to look after your parents, listen and be helpful. This essay will explain how to be a good son.
To be a good son you need to listen.for example if your mum say go help with the shopping then you do it this will help mum by letting her rest and if she ask to help you do it.
To be a good son you need to be helpful. For example, you should do your chores and don’t say no, the more you help your parents out then you will have more time with them.
To be a good son you need to take care of your parents. For example you could help them if there sad and don’t know what to do and you make them food if there tired. This will show them how much they love you
In conclusion to be a good son you need to take care of your parents, listen and be helpful.this will show them you know you care
Tuesday, 3 September 2019
Wednesday, 14 August 2019
Wednesday, 7 August 2019
Friday, 2 August 2019
cyber smart
listen to people you know online and don't listen to strangers,think before you do and don,t do anything inappropriate and stand tall when someone try,s to bully you online and go outside for a little while to balance your online and outside activity's and don,t bully someone because you might get bullied back.
why aliens might exist and planets we could live on
why aliens exist.
they might exist but we don’t know yet there's still scientist doing research to check if there are other life .and there looking for a planet that has water,so if the earth dies then we can go to a planet with water NASA has already said that we should go to Mars,but it might be dangerous because the water is turned into ice, so we might not be able to live there but that's the top suggestion to live and also there's a place called Kepler-37d and that place definitely has water and also there's wood there so we can build houses and create tables and chairs and it might have resources like metal so we can build a toaster cars guns bullets planes helicopters and make buildings and then it might have sand to make glass and light bulbs but its no as close as earth is to the sun.
Wednesday, 3 July 2019
American dream
The American dream is to be rich and live in a nice house with enough money for food and the things we need. The American Dream is also meant to be where people live freely and equally with all other people in the USA.
In the movies we see people with lots of money and we think that is what America is like. People from other countries want to go to America so they can have a nice life. However, they realise it takes a lot of effort to get that dream. There are casinos, places with racism, crime and dangerous areas in America. It is not all what it looks like in the movies.
The American dream is about becoming a millionaire and having a big house, plus being wealthy and the next big thing like PS for example, they made one of the most popular things in the world. Because you have so much money there will be no more struggle but you also wont have to work hard anymore.
America is also has a bad past.This is the bad part racism it has been around for a long time….martin Luther king made racism stop for america and other countries to he was one of the most famous people a cross the world and he is still memory to people. So it is getting better, but there is still some racism.
In conclusion America is not all that people think when they watch movies, but there are good parts and bad parts.
Tuesday, 25 June 2019
trying food from asia
kem chi Thailand and Korean and Asian food its made out of pickled cabbage and it taste a little bit sour and sweet and salty but the thing is we have to eat it with chopsticks the first thing we tasted was pickled cabbage it tasted spicy and kind of nice but then we tasted kim chi and it tasted amzazing thanks looking at my blog.
Thursday, 20 June 2019
how to play fortnite
How to play fortnite
Fortnite you need guns to survive and you need to know how to build and ninety and triple ramp if you don’t you're going to die or get knocked and you need to be good at aiming cause if you can’t aim don’t play this game or else your going to rage.
Body 1
if you need to practise go on playground and creative you can make your own death run in creative and in playground everything limited but in creative everything unlimited unless you start the game. Platforms by platforms i mean Nintendo and ps4 and Xbox and iPhone and Samsung.
Body 2
Save the world is a pve mode were you vs zombies and you level up from a small to a harder area the start is called stonewood and the second is called plankerton and canny valley and then twine peaks, you get a homebase to upgrade and you have to find materials and craft weapons and traps.
Wednesday, 19 June 2019
Argentina food
today in room 4 we tasted empanada and it was made from smells like pizza and a sausage roll it smells like lots of things but i won't mention it it looks like a lasagne and also a pie that look misshapen.its like an apple pie and a flat dumpling and a pie the colour of the meat inside is brown and it taste amazing its like a sausage roll and its soft.
Tuesday, 18 June 2019
facts about Australia
i don't need to post this but i want cause i'm bored Australia has 24.6 million people living there and Australia is the biggest country in Oceania and Australia's is capital is Canberra Australia has a landmass of 7,617,930 square kilometres (2,941,300 sq mi).Australia is a highly developed country, with the world's 14th-largest economy.Department of Immigration and Citizenship (2007). Life in Australia (PDF). Commonwealth of Australia. p. 11. ISBN 978-1-921446-30-6. Archived from the original(PDF) on 17 October 2009. Retrieved 30 March 2010.Australia has one of the hottest temperatures in the world.
Wednesday, 12 June 2019
what we do at school
What is School
School is a place where only ages from 5 to 18 can go and it's all so a place where you learn about. Friendship and respect and if you get lucky you will be a prefect i didn’t lol and if you. Want you can play sports to support the school and all so you learn about subjects.
What we learn in school
history maths and how to read And we physically learn about science and continents and what kind of food they eat like Italy. For example you may think they like to eat spaghetti and Meatballs well they do but if you think it's their favourite food then you're wrong. There actually favourite food is pizza and i'm pretty sure fresh pasta and there other is olives.
Tuesday, 11 June 2019
Mediterranean food
Mediterranean food there was only one thing that tasted good it was chocolate with bread it taste like dairy milk chocolate every thing else was disgusting no a fence . i don't like olives that was one and the other was feta cheese it tasted spicy as and its the last time i'm gone have it.
Friday, 7 June 2019
Tuesday, 4 June 2019
Thursday, 23 May 2019
Monday, 20 May 2019
Monday, 6 May 2019
Wednesday, 10 April 2019
three special guest
today we had three special guest they told us about career ideas and tips we asked them some questions some were ok some good some were silly and they all got answered now and mrs telea's son told us that he played fortnite and he's favourite player for rugby is billy son and the other person was mrs telea's sister and she worked at a funeral home and she stars in a tv show called casketers the last persons name was jason young he was in a triathlon called iron man
Friday, 5 April 2019
school life lessons
Reading you have to know how to read and write cause if you don’t know then what if there is a sign saying caution and then you walk in to it and then theirs toxic waste and then you die or what if. Theres a red light and then you drive thru it and the police are looking then you will get arrested for like 5 months or you have to pay a fine. Of 5000$ that's why you need to know how to write and read and another one maths. That's what you need to know how much money you have to give to people when you buy something from the shops. Like a pie that's like 1.50$ and then what if you don’t know then they might give you the wrong amount of money that's why you need to go school.
attitude talk
Friday, 22 March 2019
Tuesday, 19 March 2019
Friday, 15 March 2019
polyfest recount
these are the polyfest things that are interesting
that you need to know it is a cultural thing there are people from Africa Tonga Samoa and the pacifica its fun there's things like asb activitys and there is food stores as well we got to see performances from other cultures as well. We got to see Maori performances and Tongan one to you can get prizes from this lady called i don't know her name lady one of the people.
Friday, 8 March 2019
Thursday, 7 March 2019
Tuesday, 5 March 2019
why you have to go school
School life lessons
Reading you have to know how to read and write cause if you don’t know then what if there is a sign saying caution and then you walk in to it and then there's toxic waste and then you die or what if.There's a red light and then you drive thru it and the police are looking then you will get arrested for like 5 months or you have to pay a fine. Of 5000$ that's why you need to know how to write and read and another one maths. That's what you need to know how much money you have to give to people when you buy something from the shops. Like a pie that's like 1.50$ and then what if you don’t know then they might give you the wrong amount of money that's why you need to go school.
Friday, 1 March 2019
how to be a good leader
How to be a good leader
Intro: What makes a good leader? A good leader respects others, gives good instructions and takes part. This essay will teach you how to do all of these things.
Body one: A good leader is respectful In all sorts of way you show respect by using your manners helping people. In need and by listening to the rules and when someones talking wait for the conversation to be over.
Body two: .loyalty is another way of being a leader by being honest, and trustworthy, those are two ways of being loyal and by. Being a supportive person to your friends and family , and generous is and other way as well.
Body Three: Listen and Communicate Effectively with others and being a role model to those that need help and the are thinking bad and show positive feelings as well.
Conclusion: listen and communicate are the opposite thing but there still ways of being a leader there the simple ways of being an leader and being a supportive person is another way as well these things that are easy to do there's something that you can practise to do if your with your friends .
Friday, 22 February 2019
Monday, 18 February 2019
Thursday, 14 February 2019
active learning
Tuesday, 12 February 2019
Friday, 8 February 2019
Thursday, 7 February 2019
2019 goals
what i wanna achieve in school is? being better in hand writing.
what i wanna learn is how to write bigger words.
and my last goal making more Friends.
and those are my goal for 2019 thanks.
Tuesday, 5 February 2019
leonidas about me 2019
Hi my name is Leonidas this is my blog i like McDonalds and like playing fortnite my name is silent79 on epic games as well i am cybersmart. When i go on someone else is blog i like playing with my freinds at morning tea time we play tag on the field my class is room 1 my teacher is miss Moala and miss Tele’a room 3 and miss Tapuke. Room 2 and miss Stone room 4 room 5 is miss Ilaoa .
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