
Thursday, 17 September 2015

Firefighter David

If you want to be a firefighter you have to fill out a long form and do all kinds of tests you have to pull up the ladders and help people .They pull dummies, that's the last of the test and the first  thing they have a weight  on their back.

Fire fighters respond to emergency calls in variety of ways. They save babies in the car when it locked.

Fire trucks are like a moving  tool box. Firefighters wear gas masks for training. They use a first aid kit and use a long hoses. The fire trucks they carry the engine in truck.

I would like to be a firefighter because I train at the station.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015


Kojo is a hard working man from Ghana who is very poor. Kojo's father passed away. Kojo is very enterprising. Kojo had grandchildren and he is a grandpa now a he plays with them sometimes only when they visit them in Ghana. They live somewhere else in Ghana like across the street

Kojo started a trust that gives out small loans to people who cannot get a loan from the bank. Kojo sold eggs to people  to help themselves and children.


In New Zealand the police wear heavy caps with a badge on it police gear walkie talkies and handcuffs to put bad guy's in jail like robbers that stole from the banks. In New Zealand like flashlights police have shiny  badges in New Zealand police have  blue shirts and police wear  belts.

The police keep us safe on the roads and in communities. They catch thieves. They keep us safe and check cars for licenses.

I remember  when I  met a  policeman  at my cousin's house .